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Decentralized applications are now widely used by blockchain and crypto investors
The introduction of decentralized finance, also known as open finance, is one of the most monumental instances in the history of economy and finance. The concept rose to prominence in 2020 with yield farming, along with several other attractive cryptocurrencies, yielding huge amounts of profits. The emergence of Defi demanded several other decentralized applications that would allow users to effectively and efficiently access the benefits offered by decentralization. The recent upsurge in the use of decentralized applications has also led to the rise of frameworks that are specifically used to create ease in DApps development. These frameworks are generally meant for front-end developers, also, some of the top DApps development frameworks are used extensively by industry professionals for various purposes. In this article, we have listed the best development frameworks for DApps that blockchain professionals can use in 2022.
Hyperledger Fabric
Hyperledger Fabric is one of the most famous frameworks for decentralized applications that includes a modular architecture and supports various networks. It makes sure the application has a high level of reliability, flexibility, and scalability, which is why it is most appreciated for creating business solutions. The framework is written using the Go programming language, hence, the framework is quite adaptable to changing modern technology needs.
Truffle is a popular framework for building Ethereum-based decentralized applications. It is a development platform that makes it easy for blockchain developers to create smart contracts, compile, design the front-end design for decentralized applications, and test them. The framework has built-in support to compile, deploy, and create smart contracts, and also conduct automated contract testing.
Brownie is a Python-based framework for building and testing smart contracts targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine applications. Since it is Python-based, it uses Python libraries such as web3.py and pytest. It is quite a powerful and easy-to-use framework that handles deployment, debugging, and testing decentralized applications.
Hardhat is a framework for building smart contracts that offer a development environment for professionals. This development environment allows users to compile, run tests, check smart contracts for mistakes or debugging, and deploy decentralized applications. Hardhat possesses a large community with over 17k users on Github and an active Discord community with over 4.6k members.
The Embark framework allows blockchains developers to efficiently build, test, and deploy serverless decentralized applications. The framework enables automatic smart contract deployment, enabling peer-to-peer communication. The framework also enables the users to distribute the users’ decentralized applications to the entire network.
OpenZepplin is a toolkit with plugins that help build smart contracts faster. The framework possesses major standard tokens like ERC-20 and ERC-721 implementations and several other features. It also has thorough documentation, helping users understand what OpenZeppelin offers. Most of its contract functionalities are upgradable, meaning the users can modify the plugins themselves.
Hydrachain is an open-source extension of ETH blockchain platform that can be developed by Ethereum decentralized application developers. The framework provides support to design and deploy permissioned distributed ledgers. The framework is fully supportable to Ethereum protocol and develops smart contracts in Python and high customization.
It is a DApps framework that is used for collecting huge data amounts, enabling developers to supply blockchains apps and proofs-of-concept. Its database offers low latency, decentralized control, strong query functionality, immutability, and a high-speed process of the transaction. It is based upon the Federation Consensus model and a federation of nodes including voting allowance.
Chain Core
It is a business-grade blockchain platform strengthened by Chain protocol and developed for developing, sending, and handling digital assets on permissioned networks. It involves the creation of financial services and securities, currencies, gift cards, derivatives, and much more.
TRON is intended for building and establishing a completely decentralized infrastructure. It provides huge support through availability and scalability for entire blockchain applications in its network. The framework offers low transaction throughput times and high transactions fees of cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Bitcoin.
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