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The Catholic Crypto Conference launch will soon enrich the Crypto Universe.
Many market participants are busy recalibrating and learning about more realistic concepts while the crypto winter continues to dominate headlines. And that is precisely the goal of the new Catholic Crypto Conference, which will be launched in order to bring together crypto experts and Catholic thought leaders in order to promote adoption, foster the development of fresh concepts, and introduce cutting-edge technologies to the Catholic community. The idea of introducing people to cryptocurrency is a recurring subject in the entire digital assets industry, and the Catholic Church has one billion members. According to Matthew Pinto, the conference’s organizer and the CEO of Ascension Press, that is one of the conference’s objectives. “Adoption is the key to cryptocurrency success. Additionally, the Catholic population is large, well-organized”, Pinto briefed.
We only need a group of individuals to come up and say this needs to be done. The crypto universe offers a lot of benefits that the Church is currently not utilizing. The aim is to incorporate significant technical breakthroughs like blockchain, crypto, Web 3.0, and the metaverse into this realm. As it did with the internet a few decades ago, Pinto doesn’t want the Catholic community to experience the same failure. This is the first effort to bring these modern technologies to a historic church, he claimed. This is our endeavor to make sure the Church does not miss this next big opportunity because, “The Church, for the most part, missed the internet. We were actually eight to ten years behind the secular world.
On November 17 and 18, the conference will take place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. And according to the organizer, it has three objectives: to inform the Church about these formidable technologies, to prevent potential abuse of new technology, and to establish a venue for crypto networking. The conference is generating attention in the Catholic community despite it being crypto winter and prices being trapped in a fairly narrow range. Additionally, the conference’s timetable supports a steady approach. “A conference could have been held much more easily when there was FOMO. However, now is a better time to do it as we are actually in a recapitulation period “explained Pinto. We will have approximately a year or a year and a half to learn more before the next crypto run starts again, so now would be a good time for folks to start preparing.
This meeting is special because of its potential influence on the greater Catholic community. There are plans to publish a number of white papers, which will then be distributed to all of the Catholic bishops in the United States and Canada as well as the Vatican. The goal of the Catholic Crypto Conference is to investigate how blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies might benefit the unbanked, reduce remittance fees, and advance social justice and the general good. Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) are one fascinating example of how these new projects might move forward, according to Pinto.
Other intriguing concepts under consideration include using blockchain for sacramental records and putting Catholic doctrine on an unchangeable ledger. Additionally, there is the financial side. Several dioceses may look into including assets like Bitcoin on their balance sheets. “We are doing discussions at the conference just to start this kind of discussion, so we can discuss whether it should be recorded on someone’s balance sheet and the benefits and drawbacks of doing so. If most of our dioceses and even parish balance accounts do not include Bitcoin within the next five to ten years, I would be very astonished “added Pinto. Additionally, the conference will examine numerous blockchain applications.
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