Web3 film

Razor, a web3 movie tests out real-time audience interaction. This film is made by Bianchi in association with Gala films.

Bianchi intends to provide a global experience through Gala’s film branch, making joining Web3 a more appealing choice than before. Bianchi is collaborating on this large-scale project with viral animator Peter Draw and Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Steven Cantor. Read to learn details regarding this.

The development of blockchain technology may mark the biggest advancement for this century-old medium. Actor, filmmaker, and multimedia NFT artist David Bianchi hopes to lead the upcoming change in the film and entertainment industries. To create a series that can further the idea of audience engagement, he has teamed up with Gala Film.

Bianchi intends to provide a global experience through Gala’s film branch, making joining Web3 a more appealing choice than before. Bianchi is collaborating on this large-scale project with viral animator Peter Draw and Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Steven Cantor. And if everything goes according to plan, it might provide us with a valuable window into how NFTs might fundamentally alter how audiences interact with media.

David Bianchi and the evolution of entertainment in real-time

Bianchi has lately put his toes into Web3 after decades of labor in the entertainment sector that saw him produce six full-length films and license countless others to HBO, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and other streaming platforms. The socially minded NFT project titled The Revolution Is Being Televised was written by Bianchi in January 2022. Now, with the help of its new collaboration with Gala Film, his production business Exertion3 hopes to achieve the same. So what are Bianchi and the other members of his team up to? Razor is an eight-episode science fiction drama that Bianchi described as “centered on the world of neural implants, coding culture, and the underbelly of black market criminality.” It has elements of Mr. Robot and Black Mirror. Razor’s themes may contain a lot of bleak imagery, yet everything related to it is incredibly hopeful about the potential future of Web3-powered entertainment.

To make this an exclusive experience for Web3 users only, they have invested everything. Razor won’t be available on Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO Max, or any other popular streaming platform when it debuts. It is planned to be a Gala Film exclusive, which means that the series will only be available on the Ethereum blockchain. In a statement to nftnow.com, Gala COO Sarah Buxton stated, “We couldn’t be more delighted to collaborate with David and the Gala community to create Web3’s first-ever live-action series exclusively to Gala Film.” We are equally dedicated to providing decentralized, fan-first entertainment as David and the team are. I’m eager to see where our relationship will lead not only to Web3 as a creative hub but also to us.

Bianchi and the rest of the crew are using NFTs to grow the series’ fans far before the show, even though it is still in development. This NFT collection, which is scheduled to debut in late October, will feature “a gorgeous collection of concept posters, storyboards, and pre-visualizations and conceptual art,” according to Bianchi. The majority of people “never even come to terms with the amount of art associated with making a movie,” according to Bianchi. By further revealing the significance of these concept visuals through the publication of this collection, he intends to create a precedent in the entertainment industry. After all, in addition to being essential to the creation and growth of a series, they are works of art.

Holograms will fuel the interactive features of our future material, according to Bianchi, who compared the experience of consuming information in the future to the world from Minority Report. The technology behind augmented reality has advanced at an incredible rate, even though it currently sounds far-fetched. With Pokémon Go, augmented reality (AR) entered the mainstream in 2016, building on Google’s earlier efforts with Google Glass to provide AR to a wide market.

Millions of people saw the augmented reality for the first time because of Niantic’s ground-breaking game’s enormous global popularity. The introduction of augmented reality (AR) experiences in mainstream media, along with blockchain technology, may not happen for years, but rather for years, given Niantic’s official inauguration of its Web3 subsidiary earlier in 2022.