<>/Subtype/Link/Rect[206.3 -184.45 273.2 -194]/A 480 0 R>> <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[16.4 -124.35 63.9 -139.75]/A 474 0 R>> 556 0 obj endobj <> 0000017127 00000 n 50 50 779 Popular Pages endstream endobj 391 0 obj <>/Metadata 5 0 R/Pages 388 0 R/StructTreeRoot 9 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 392 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 720 540]/Parent 388 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/Pattern<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 393 0 obj <>stream 0000015366 00000 n <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -203.55 535.3 -213.1]/A 480 0 R>> Although much of the work you'll do in this job is specific to the Army, you'll be well-trained for several civilian occupations, including repairing electronics for commercial and industrial equipment, radio mechanic, and repairing and installing telecommunications equipment. At this point in the process, the individual will preference as many positions as possible and subsequently interview with units with requisitions in the marketplace. <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[298.9 -184.45 352.45 -194]/A 480 0 R>> endobj Recruiter - Drill Sergeant - Talent Management NCO (HRC) - Training With Industry (TWI) - DLA - Organizational Institutional HUMAN DIMENSION PME Functional Training MOTOR TRANSPORT OPERATOR -. 0 0000191552 00000 n As a Signal Support Systems Specialist, youll maintain vital signal support systems and terminal devices; the equipment that needs to consistently work in order for commanders to stay informed, track, and direct the movement of their troops. <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -465.85 554.7 -475.4]/A 567 0 R>> 541 0 obj for logistic support. Succession Planning Discovery: building out use case wireframes for SME inputs to develop a leadership dashboard to support succession planning. 45 45 267 Senior leaders should use these publications to guide subordinates developmental, counseling, and individual development plans. Unit leaders can provide informed career development advice to support the junior leaders continuous improvement and advocate for career opportunities on behalf of the Soldier. 0000016188 00000 n 0000019269 00000 n This professional career map will assist in guiding Soldiers to. 0000005734 00000 n on electronic IP based nodal assemblages and associated equipment. 0000019456 00000 n 504 0 obj 0000012099 00000 n <> 507 0 obj endobj <> 485 0 obj endobj 75 75 614 Since you'll be handling sensitive information, you'll need to qualify for a secret security clearance from the Department of Defense. By Maj. Gen. Mark T. Simerly and Lt. Col. John MitchelFebruary 24, 2022. endobj 496 0 obj <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[206.3 -427.65 274.2 -437.2]/A 538 0 R>> These soldiers are tasked with keeping communications open. 2) Self-development is a mandatory, individually planned, progressive and sequential program followed . 465 0 obj %%EOF 524 0 obj Junior leaders can consult useful resources, including Department of the Army (DA) publications, branch proponency offices, Human Resource Command (HRC) career managers, a Soldiers chain of command, and senior mentors. Security Clearance: Secret 615 0 obj<>stream 474 0 obj 0000012006 00000 n Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) and performs unit level maintenance <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -504.05 516.25 -513.6]/A 480 0 R>> 11 12 296 endobj <> <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -222.65 513.15 -232.2]/A 480 0 R>> 532 0 obj endobj endobj Soldiers interested in viewing their professional career map for their specific MOS click on the link listed below. He holds a Master of Science in Operations Research from the Florida Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Statistics from Rutgers University. startxref His previous assignments include duty with the 4th Infantry Division, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, and the 10th Mountain Division. Example of a career map for active-duty logistics officers. The day to day of a sierra falls in line with other day to day signal jobs like 25N, 25B, 25U, 25Q. The Integrated Personnel and Pay System - Army (IPPS-A) is the Armys online Human Resources (HR) solution to provide integrated HR capabilities across all Army Components. 497 0 obj <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[206.3 -418.1 274.8 -427.65]/A 536 0 R>> 0000021020 00000 n endstream endobj 2969 0 obj <. endobj and perform field level maintenance on IP based high speed electronic <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[391.5 -456.3 428.05 -465.85]/A 480 0 R>> 0000017274 00000 n The ATAF is the common currency that will enable the development of algorithms for talent-based analytic tools. 0000015648 00000 n <>stream compile and submit operational statistics reports and processes requests 0000003982 00000 n 605 605 932 and compile system statistics for the shift and node. 486 0 obj Over the next few months, selected Logistics Captains Career Course students will begin to navigate the CM/SP-T pilot competency and preference surveys, engage in focus groups, and provide feedback to the Army Talent Management Task Force regarding the utility of the CM/SP-T and recommend improvements before scaling to other branches and functional areas. Army National Guard Entry Level As a Computer / Detection Systems Repairer, you'll repair the most advanced computer systems to ensure they're in top operating condition, keeping equipment functioning, and making sure the Army is never at a disadvantage. 0000019176 00000 n Supervise the installation, operation, deployment, of IP based nodal systems with associated transmission systems and local 81 81 614 endobj 0000021880 00000 n on all internal communications systems and COMSEC devices. <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[391.5 -184.45 436.5 -194]/A 480 0 R>> We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. endobj Duties for MOS 25N at each skill level are: MOSC 25N1O. 503 0 obj The Career Mapping and Succession Planning Tool (CM/SP-T) is an automated capability that allows Soldiers to take ownership over their career development and displays best-fit positions and career potential. to perform system/network operations. 0000013045 00000 n [260 276 436 646 571 862 740 243 317 317 548 571 267 322 275 390 571 571 571 571 571 571 571 571 571 571 275 278 571 571 571 453 898 661 660 634 734 558 532 726 751 305 299 639 542 923 783 787 615 787 639 550 566 742 622 946 622 592 575 330 390 330 537 429 592 580 623 495 623 576 363 556 635 279 279 572 279 956 635 611 623 623 431 487 393 635 535 817 551 536 478 386 551 371 571 600 580 600 268 574 461 819 509 518 599 1241 550 336 948 600 575 600 600 193 193 397 397 376 500 1000 599 762 487 336 960 600 478 592 260 276 571 571 571 571 551 501 592 832 368 556 571 322 832 500 428 571 363 363 592 639 655 275 216 363 381 556 830 830 830 453 661 661 661 661 661 661 912 634 558 558 558 558 305 305 305 305 731 783 787 787 787 787 787 571 787 742 742 742 742 592 619 666 580 580 580 580 580 580 887 495 576 576 576 576 279 279 279 279 607 635 611 611 611 611 611 571 611 635 635 635 635 536 623 536] hYk@>&`'8Bud$3+"kgw>y|0HqP3&~DK9#=A{! 0000021971 00000 n 581 0 obj 0000010748 00000 n 0000013228 00000 n ACT significantly changes the way Training, Education, Self -Development and Experiential Learning support is provided to the Army, while providing the Sponsorship solution for the transition of. endobj Demands Rating: heavy trailer 0000017792 00000 n The work these soldiers do is critical to Army intelligence-gathering operations. 521 0 obj endobj The career maps provide a sequential timeline in a Soldiers career to include professional military education, critical assignments, and self-development opportunities at each grade. endobj Qualifications After completing the ASVAB you need to meet other requirements toward becoming 25S MOS. Perform as network controller in Brigade Combat Team These soldiers are responsible for almost all technical aspects of satellite equipment installation and operations, including configuring and alignment. Be prepared to conduct an in-depth phone interview (technical & professional) Points of Contact: CW4 Brandon M. Wilson Signal Warrant Officer Career Program Manager (Proponent) U.S. Army Signal. 0000192990 00000 n (3) Ability to work for extended periods in a confined area. 549 0 obj endobj <> level maintenance on electronic nodal assemblages, combat net radios, endstream endobj startxref <> <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[391.5 -484.95 435.65 -494.5]/A 515 0 R>> <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[206.3 -213.1 226.35 -222.65]/A 480 0 R>> They're also tasked with conducting performance tests and performing quality control tests on circuits, trunk groups, systems, and ancillary equipment. Joint Network Management System (JNMS), Detailed Planning and Engineering You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. KSB-P data will allow the CM/SP-T to illustrate potential matches or talent fit across positions, allow the individual to create one or more unique career paths (i.e., individual development plan), identify talent gaps and interventions, and enable developmental conversations with their leadership, mentors, or coaches. endobj provisioning, maintenance of electronic IP based nodal assemblages, combat 0000017885 00000 n 513 0 obj You've added the maximum number of jobs to your list. 466 0 obj 563 0 obj endobj DA PAM 600-25 More Info. Enlistment Bonuses by MOS Leaders also will be able to harness the power of aggregated talent data to make informed decisions about training, leader development, and succession planning. 565 0 obj 478 0 obj 0000014899 00000 n endobj endobj endobj 68 68 556 512 0 obj 472 0 obj equipment; Communications Security (COMSEC) devices; and other equipment 529 0 obj <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[298.9 -532.7 328.7 -542.25]/A 517 0 R>> In addition, you'll need normal color vision (no colorblindness), and have completed a year of high school algebra and science. <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[298.9 -484.95 355.35 -494.5]/A 480 0 R>> Must have completed a minimum of 1 year of accredited college or technical ?biB,T!^v/VmK):ErjN;nDg+E;;*z?GD '*6b >& 0000013321 00000 n Career mapping and succession planning objectives. Career Skills Map *Map updates on a regular basis due to consistent program growth As of 5 January 2022 SC HI Europe AK Korea WA CA OR ID NV AZ UT MT WY CO NM TX OK AR LA KS NE SD ND MN IA MO WI IL IN MI OH KY TN AL GA FL VT NH MA CT RI DE NJ NY PA WV VA NC MD ME SC PR Number of Completions (FY15 -FY19) = 19,904 with 93% placement rate MS 0000013696 00000 n Leaders also will be able to harness the power of aggregated talent data to make informed decisions about training, leader development, and succession planning. Additional Skill Identifiers for MOS 25N: J7WHCA Console Control Operations. endobj 49 49 754 endobj The CM/SP-T competency alignment algorithm will show a dynamic comparison of the KSBs possessed by an individual at a point in time against the minimum KSB talent requirements needed to execute a potential job assignment(s) effectively. <]>> 491 0 obj endobj 464 0 obj Assist in reconfiguration Ensure contingency operations plans and nodal routing subsystems are correctly 0000000016 00000 n endobj endobj associated computer and software related technical tasks. Maj. Gen. Mark T. Simerly serves as the commanding general of the Combined Arms Support Command at Fort Lee, Virginia. endobj endobj Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -241.75 529.15 -251.3]/A 480 0 R>> 48 48 903 See the attached Career Map for the 25B Career field. 0000204592 00000 n equipment or systems. 0000013137 00000 n 0 KSB-Ps are unique to the individual Soldier and serve as inputs when aligning talent to positions across an Army career. 518 0 obj Conduct technical, operational and maintenance training 212221 of subordinates on nodal operations procedures. endobj endobj Army Reserve Army National Guard Entry Level As a Signal Support Systems Specialist, you'll maintain vital signal support systems and terminal devices; the equipment that needs to consistently work in order for commanders to stay informed, track, and direct the movement of their troops. These careers may require additional training, education, or experience. In the Army, Satellite Communication Systems Operator-Maintainers are responsible for keeping communications working, literally keeping the lines up and running. endobj AIM 2 is HRCs recent groundbreaking tool in career management, which was implemented a few years ago for Army active-duty officers and warrant officers to preference their next assignment. 1st Class Heather A. Denby). Use computers and software tools As the technology becomes more sophisticated, their training will be ever more key to protecting U.S. military communications and intercepting communications from other sources. <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -232.2 522.6 -241.75]/A 480 0 R>> Interpret, disseminate 0000206797 00000 n 0000011605 00000 n <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[298.9 -551.8 367.4 -561.35]/A 536 0 R>> Perform network management functions Soldiers in this Army MOS complete troubleshooting and repairs on any assigned multi-channel transmission system. 0000018802 00000 n 0000013790 00000 n 0000014065 00000 n endobj View: Enlisted Officer endobj endobj Sister Site: Cruise Ship Review. Army MOS 25Q: Career Details. 25S3O Transmissions Systems Supervisor Branch and Career Management Field Specific Chapters of DA Pamphlet 600-3 and 600-25 can be found at: https://www.milsuite.mil/book/groups/smartbook-da-pam-600-3, https://www.milsuite.mil/book/groups/smartbook-da-pam-600-25. endobj [3 3 260 <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -184.45 539 -194]/A 480 0 R>> all other associated internal nodal communications systems. endobj These NCOs should study and master the additional military publications: STP 21-24, Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks Skill Levels 2, 3, and 4; DA Pam 600-25, U.S. Army Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Guide; FM 3.0, Urban Operations; FM 3-22.9, Rifle Marksmanship, M16/M4 Series Weapons ; FM 3-23.35, Combat Training with Pistols, You'll learn how to usevarious types of communications equipment, how to work with codes and how to maintain communications equipment you'll use on the job. Signal soldiers have to be pretty versatile. endobj 536 0 obj endobj <>/DW 1209/FontDescriptor 471 0 R/W 472 0 R>> 0000213523 00000 n Much of the work they do is highly complex and multifaceted. Youve added the maximum number of jobs to your list. b. This is an entry-level position that requires . 494 0 obj 0000021676 00000 n 87 87 353 endobj associated with network nodal operations. (4) Formal Training (completion of MOS 25N Course conducted under the endobj 502 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<56D54A834D83A0488531BE482E23576F><965582687C8C77459820120B5D9F2B15>]/Index[390 129]/Info 389 0 R/Length 363/Prev 573288/Root 391 0 R/Size 519/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream endobj <> <> 481 0 obj 0000211252 00000 n <> 515 0 obj <> 25S30 - SATCOM System Supervisor maintained in nodal databases to reflect current operational scenarios. procedures on assigned vehicles, power generators, combat net radios and (Photo Credit: Sgt. Job training for a satellite communication systems operator-maintainer requires 10 weeks of basic combat training (also known as boot camp) and 18 weeks of advanced individual training, including the Satellite Communications course at Fort Gordon in Georgia. Enhance the algorithms ability to illustrate talent alignment over time for individuals and organizations.

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